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Product/Extension Magaya CRM
Created by Kaleb Ghilardi
Created on Oct 9, 2023

Add outlook notification to shared activities

General Description

When an activity is shared with another user and has an Exchange event created include this exchange event in the Shared user’s outlook.

Current Functionality

Users can integrate individual emails between the Magaya CRM and their Outlook client. Users can also notify other users of activities that they create. This notification appears inside of the Magaya CRM even if the activity has a linked Exchange event.

For more information about the Magaya CRM's Outlook integration, please visit Magaya CRM: Integrate Microsoft Outlook with CRM in the Magaya Knowledge Base.

For more information about setting activity notifications please visit Magaya CRM: Create Activities in the Magaya Knowledge Base.

Future Functionality

If a user has selected to create an exchange event and has opted to notify another CRM user in the Activity the notified user will also get the exchange event added to their calendar or email in addition to the current notification function within the CRM.

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