Please calculate the margin within the Hub like this: (sell rate-buy rate)/buy rate and not as a ratio of the selling rate. 15$ markup on a buy rate of 100$ should result in 15% margin and not 13.04%.
General Description The Magaya CRM imports data points from the linked Magaya Supply Chain Quote to populate it's routing tab in the Leads and Opportunities. Make these options editable when creating a new Lead or Opportunity and push the selectio...
Kaleb Ghilardi
8 months ago
in Magaya CRM
General Description The integration between the Magaya CRM and Magaya Supply Chain syncs the below records: Lead to Quote Account to Customer Contact to Contact Opportunity to Quote This change would add a sync between the two systems so that the ...
Kaleb Ghilardi
about 1 year ago
in Magaya CRM
General Description Provide customers with the ability to programmatically define the type of Opportunity created by source so that new Opportunities from Supply Chain can be set to something other than Quote. Current Functionality When generating...
Kaleb Ghilardi
about 1 year ago
in Magaya CRM
The Shopping Cart takes up unnecessary real estate in the UI and should be collapsed unless there is something worthy of keeping it expanded, like a Quote or the Xeneta feed. The area should be reduced an appropriate amount. Non-Xeneta enabled vie...
General Description To assist users in searching and maintaining Leads, should the CRM add a new field to store the name of the Lead record as unique from the name of the business? Current Functionality The Magaya CRM currently stores two fields w...
Kaleb Ghilardi
10 months ago
in Magaya CRM
General Description Expand the functionality of the Additional Fields feature in the setup of Accounts & Contacts to allow customers to add custom option set fields (Response Options). Current Functionality Customers can add additional fields ...
Kaleb Ghilardi
about 1 year ago
in Magaya CRM
General Description Enhance the Campaign functionality of the Magaya CRM so that administrators can create Campaign Types where the target of the Campaign is the Account entity. Allow users to create campaigns and associate Accounts when the Campa...
Kaleb Ghilardi
about 1 year ago
in Magaya CRM
General Description The available fields and their location within the Magaya CRM currently cannot be modified outside of adding custom fields. This change would modify the Setup screens to allow Organizational Administrators the ability to contro...
Kaleb Ghilardi
about 1 year ago
in Magaya CRM
Auto-Check Q2TMS in Output when Checked in Org Settings
For integration customers using Q2TMS, the user has to check the Q2TMS box for every quote. We should auto-check it if Q2TMS is enabled to reduce the number of clicks a customer does.