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Magaya Rate Management

Showing 170 of 343

RMS Base Rate Display & Effective Dates Determined By Surcharges

This is a customer driven request, and this request is based on avoiding manual intervention by data management teams. Example, we have a contract rate effective October 1 through December 30. Currently, if a surcharge gets updated, it will show a...
Guest 6 months ago in Magaya Rate Management 0

RMS FCL Search: Add support for weight entry and weight calculations

It has been requested that RMS search for FCL rates support weight entry and calculation of surcharges based on that weight entry. An example being an overweight container charge that could have multiple values based on weight, and the calculation...
Guest 6 months ago in Magaya Rate Management 0

Add Dynamic Search Bar to Contract ID in Contract Mngt

General Description: When uploading an Amendment, users must select a Contract ID from the required dropdown menu. For larger customers, this becomes more of a challenge despite being able to type the first letter for the menu to jump to that plac...
Morgan Hill almost 2 years ago in Magaya Rate Management 0 Prioritized

Filter Contract ID Menu Based on Mode Selection in Contract Mgr

General Description: Full Service Upload is where contracts may be uploaded to be translated by our Production team. Users select a radio button to designate what mode the contract pertains to, however, the contract ID menu show contract IDs for a...
Morgan Hill almost 2 years ago in Magaya Rate Management 0 Prioritized

Contract Release - Email Client

QMS or Stream, whenever a contract is released to QMS, create alert in admin control panel to set up who gets the alerts for which contracts. Would save Production Support (generating report from Stream) and Global Support time in sending it manua...
Morgan Hill almost 2 years ago in Magaya Rate Management 0

Ground Template - Add "Per Bill of Lading" & "Per Shipment" Rate Basis

The Ground Template rate basis list is inconsistent with the list in the Catapult upload template. Users need to include "Per Bill of Lading" and "Per Shipment" in our Ground Template Rate basis list.
Morgan Hill almost 3 years ago in Magaya Rate Management 0

Add NAC to Surcharge Manager

Customers have specific surcharges applied to NAC rates that would need to override FT and their Contracts. We need to add a NAC field as a dynamic search sourced from Group Name of the Named Accounts card in the Control Panel.
Morgan Hill almost 2 years ago in Magaya Rate Management 0

Collapse Shopping Cart When Nothing Is In It

The Shopping Cart takes up unnecessary real estate in the UI and should be collapsed unless there is something worthy of keeping it expanded, like a Quote or the Xeneta feed. The area should be reduced an appropriate amount. Non-Xeneta enabled vie...
Morgan Hill over 2 years ago in Magaya Rate Management 0 Planned

unable to apply one payment to multiple invoices

If check /payment has-been towards multiple invoices system is very basic & down graded Acelynk should offer this basis feature
Guest 9 months ago in Magaya Rate Management 0

Method from DFP to request a quote which Creates a Draft in RMS

No description provided
Morgan Hill over 1 year ago in Magaya Rate Management 0