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Magaya Ideas Portal

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Pinned ideas

PINNED Different margin percentage calculation
Please calculate the margin within the Hub like this: (sell rate-buy rate)/buy rate and not as a ratio of the selling rate. 15$ markup on a buy rate of 100$ should result in 15% margin and not 13.04%.

Magaya Freight Portal

Showing 35 of 337

Minimum margin per quotation/shipment

As a freight forwarder, I want to be able to set up a minimum margin for each transport mode, that applies when the actual margin for an offer is lower than this.
Dennis Albers over 2 years ago in Magaya Freight Portal 1

Edit/Modify manually created Quotes pre publish

It would be greate to have the possibility to modify quotation (Request and Cargo section) before publish quote. Comment: This avoid to copy the quote and saves time, when data was wrong entered.
Jan-Henrik Hertel almost 3 years ago in Magaya Freight Portal 0

Ability to add a disclaimer by mode, i.e. air disclaimer or ocean disclaim

Disclaimers for different modes have different requirements. Would like to be able to create a disclaimer for air shipments and ocean shipments (FCL/LCL) and automatically append based on mode selected during quote.
Jeannie Lavers almost 3 years ago in Magaya Freight Portal 0

Button to re-quote expired quotes [as Customer]

It would be great to have on the Customers portal > Quotations > Your quotations a button next to each quote to re-quote expired quotations. This would take (copy) the same previous chosen characteristics for example POL, POD, Container Type...
Jan-Henrik Hertel almost 3 years ago in Magaya Freight Portal 0

Cargo details within Quotations

Integrating cargo details into the Quotation List view and the downloadable sheet. e.g. Qty + Packaging, Total Weight and Total Volume
Dennis Albers almost 3 years ago in Magaya Freight Portal 0

Different margin percentage calculation

Please calculate the margin within the Hub like this: (sell rate-buy rate)/buy rate and not as a ratio of the selling rate. 15$ markup on a buy rate of 100$ should result in 15% margin and not 13.04%.
Dennis Albers over 2 years ago in Magaya Freight Portal 1

Customization of Hub notification emails

As a Hub user, I want to be able to customize the notification emails I get from the Hub, so that I don't get so many emails. e.g. Deactivating and/or customizing which emails a user gets. Could be per region or country.
Dennis Albers almost 3 years ago in Magaya Freight Portal 1

Quotation pdf should appear the cost per unit and the minimum rate

If entered should appear the minimum rate on the quotation pdf.
Jan-Henrik Hertel almost 3 years ago in Magaya Freight Portal 2

Visualize the validity of the quotation on the Quotation List

As Customer view: It would be great if at the list of quotations appears the validity date to "find" the correct/valid quote easier.
Jan-Henrik Hertel almost 3 years ago in Magaya Freight Portal 0

Being able to update milestones after they have been confirmed

In case of faulty information or mistake, it must be possible to later go back and update a previous milestone.
Dennis Albers over 2 years ago in Magaya Freight Portal 0