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Product/Extension Magaya Rate Management
Created by Guest
Created on Oct 9, 2024

RMS Base Rate Display & Effective Dates Determined By Surcharges

This is a customer driven request, and this request is based on avoiding manual intervention by data management teams.

Example, we have a contract rate effective October 1 through December 30. Currently, if a surcharge gets updated, it will show as a future charge on the base rate, which does not calculate into the total cost, and the customer gets one rate back in search. The request is for RMS to create new rate entry to show in search along with current rate that reflects the calculated-out rate with the new surcharge increase. This would allow for a visual determination of a rates increase or decrease.

For example, let's say a PSS, GRI, or fuel increase happens on November 1st. The customer would like to two rates to show in RMS. One reflecting the Oct. 1 calculation (then the current rate would show expiring Oct 31), and then a second rate effective November 1st show the total calculation with the new surcharges increase at the same time.

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