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Product/Extension Flow WMS
Created by Kristhian Krstonosic
Created on Feb 3, 2023

Scanning capabilities for Custom and some Built-in Fields

Currently, a Flow WMS user has the ability to use the scanner to input data from a barcode label to enter the Item Id or a Location code while performing their operations; for the other fields, they need to enter the information manually, this being time-consuming and potentially inaccurate. Flow WMS users would immensely benefit if they could use the scanner to enter data for Built-in fields like Lot #, serial, and Custom Fields.

Not all the fields need to be able to activate the scanner,

There might be two ways to allow the possibility to activate the scanning functionality for specific fields:

1) A Magaya Supply Chain would activate the option for Custom Fields from the Maintenance>Config>Custom Fields>Warehouse Item page by checking a box.

2) A Flow WMS Extension user could activate the option for Custom Fields from the settings>custom fields

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