ACELYNK has a wonderful Pre-Submission Validation & Confirmation function, this page allows the user to view their CF7501 Entry in a summary format to make certain checks to ensure compliance. One such check is missing however and that is a check for any Free Trade Agreements or SPI's that the product may be eligible for and thus entered. It would be great if like the Government Agency Requirements we have a FTA/SPI May be eligible counter and entered counter. That way the filer could check to see if they applied for didn't apply the eligible FTA/SPI prior to transmitting to CBP.
This feature is already available. It is a line level check when saving the CBP line to prompt the user that an SPI may be eligible and was not applied for the COO and HTS. User will be presented with the available SPI options and will then select to ignore the SPI and save the line or select and apply the SPI with any associated duty/mpf exemptions applied by default. Please reach out to Magaya Customs Compliance support to enable it for your filer code and they can show you where to turn it on for the importer account(s)