Please calculate the margin within the Hub like this: (sell rate-buy rate)/buy rate and not as a ratio of the selling rate. 15$ markup on a buy rate of 100$ should result in 15% margin and not 13.04%.
Auto-Check Q2TMS in Output when Checked in Org Settings
For integration customers using Q2TMS, the user has to check the Q2TMS box for every quote. We should auto-check it if Q2TMS is enabled to reduce the number of clicks a customer does.
independent importer filters for each transaction type (ISF, 7501, 7512 etc.) specifically when training to minimize errors and give access to certain importers that the employee has been thoroughly trained on
General Description The CRM supports adding comments to activities after they hvae been created. These comments can store specific notes about the activity which will not be included in any reporting or documentation but remain visible to the user...
From client: "Is there a way to make a note specifically just internal – not to flow through to the displayed contract notes in the quotes ?" Could we add a check box in the Surcharge Manager Rules that would give the option to display remarks on ...
QFB - Option to Remove "Container" From Ocean Container Size Columns
Provide option to Remove the word "Container" from the Ocean QFB in all formats. The option would standardize container size abbreviations to the following: . . . . .
Expand API endpoint access to 7L's Cartage API for local pick up and delivery rates for Air. IATA Code to a Zip Code Zip Code to an IATA Code