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Magaya Ideas Portal

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Pinned ideas

PINNED Different margin percentage calculation
Please calculate the margin within the Hub like this: (sell rate-buy rate)/buy rate and not as a ratio of the selling rate. 15$ markup on a buy rate of 100$ should result in 15% margin and not 13.04%.

All ideas

Showing 337 of 337

On the PDF of a Door Quotation is for example the POL missing

He noticed that on the PDF, the POL port is missing when you quote from Door.
Jan-Henrik Hertel almost 3 years ago in Magaya Freight Portal 0

Org Default Layout in Search Pane

Some customers feel there are too many options for users to have to fill out or take into account while filling out the search pane. There could be a default option for an ADMIN to set so users in the org only see certain search criteria. Examples...
Morgan Hill almost 3 years ago in Magaya Rate Management 0

Surcharge List Manager - Uploads

Apply the custom surcharge list feature to template uploads.
Morgan Hill almost 3 years ago in Magaya Rate Management 0

Results Grid Customization Default at Org Level

Customers are requesting the customization of Grids be at Org level instead of User level. Using the same functionality and controls we have in place for Custom Surcharge Groups in the Control Panel, add an Org/User toggle to Grid Settings. Only A...
Morgan Hill almost 3 years ago in Magaya Rate Management 0

RMS Base Rate Display & Effective Dates Determined By Surcharges

This is a customer driven request, and this request is based on avoiding manual intervention by data management teams. Example, we have a contract rate effective October 1 through December 30. Currently, if a surcharge gets updated, it will show a...
Guest 4 months ago in Magaya Rate Management 0

RMS FCL Search: Add support for weight entry and weight calculations

It has been requested that RMS search for FCL rates support weight entry and calculation of surcharges based on that weight entry. An example being an overweight container charge that could have multiple values based on weight, and the calculation...
Guest 4 months ago in Magaya Rate Management 0


We are exploring migrating from using IES-AMS to ACELYNK AMS; however, when checking to see what reports would be available to us in managing ocean AMS it was discovered there isn't any existing reports. Only Air AMS. It is important to be able to...
Guest 5 months ago in Magaya Customs Compliance (ACELYNK) 1

Reconciliation Report

For some reason there are some entries that do not appear on the recon report. In particular entries whose entry date is 01/0001. In those cases, it would save a great deal of time when trying to track that entry for reconciliation if we had a per...
Guest 6 months ago in Magaya Customs Compliance (ACELYNK) 0

Free Trade Agreement-Special Program Indicator Pre-Submission Validation & Confirmation

ACELYNK has a wonderful Pre-Submission Validation & Confirmation function, this page allows the user to view their CF7501 Entry in a summary format to make certain checks to ensure compliance. One such check is missing however and that is a ch...
Guest 9 months ago in Magaya Customs Compliance (ACELYNK) 1

Shipping tab needs to show FDA Releases as a flag and copied entries show qty and values on FDA TABs

Add the product code information on the Shipments tab and flag for FDA Released or not Released Status. We also required that when an entry is copied and qty, value are changed to also change on other Goverment agencies values, and qty such as Aph...
Guest 9 months ago in Magaya Customs Compliance (ACELYNK) 0 Will not implement