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Magaya Rate Management

Showing 170 of 336

Commodity Override in Commodity Mapping

Introduce new column in Search and History results to show "Custom Commodity" which would display the Commodity Mapping Group Name.
Morgan Hill over 1 year ago in Magaya Rate Management 0 Prioritized

Q2TMS Document Restriction Choice

Currently, two documents are transmitted through Q2TMS (1) Quote as XML (2) Quote as XML in Zip and (3) Quote HTML/PDF. Add a choice for a user to select if they want one or both to be transmitted through the Q2TMS process. Choices: XML will be se...
Morgan Hill over 1 year ago in Magaya Rate Management 0 Planned

Multi-Lane - Add O/D Country Addition to Download

With the same City existing in multiple countries, adding columns for the Origin Country and Destination Country would better indicate where the city is located and not cause confusion for any end users.
Morgan Hill over 1 year ago in Magaya Rate Management 0

Carrier in Address Book Available in Carrier Ad-Hoc Field

User enters a Carrier in Address Book In Ad-Hoc, the Carrier Dropdown does not contain that Carrier as a choce in the list.
Morgan Hill over 1 year ago in Magaya Rate Management 0

Option to Override Contract/Tariff surcharges except Inclusive Surcharges in Surcharge Manager

Currently, when you create a Surcharge in Surcharge Manager, and you select Surcharge Trumps (Toggled on in Add Eft Rule or marked as Yes in Surcharge Manager Bulk Upload), the surcharge from the Surcharge Manager will calculate to the rates and w...
Guest almost 2 years ago in Magaya Rate Management 1

Add Charge Class as Column Header to Overview tab in QFB

For Charge Columns, add Charge Class to allow users to sort their surcharges by Origin, Destination and Freight.
Morgan Hill almost 2 years ago in Magaya Rate Management 0

Info Panel - Download BUY & SELL to Other Formats

Downloading Buy and Sell information from the info panel only provides for PNG format. Give users the option to download to Excel or HTML with a disclaimer that once information is downloaded and changed, the source information is lost and Magaya ...
Morgan Hill almost 2 years ago in Magaya Rate Management 0

Add New Charge - Define Supplier for Cost

When adding a new charge, there is no field to allow users to define who would be charging them on the Buy side. Add field in the Info Panel to select one from the Address Book.
Morgan Hill almost 2 years ago in Magaya Rate Management 0

Quote Collaboration

Create workflow to allow users to assign lanes to different users/departments to have other users contribute their localized pricing to quotes.
Morgan Hill almost 2 years ago in Magaya Rate Management 0

Multi-Modal Search

Allow Users to search by specific shipment criteria and have the system return multiple modes for user review.
Morgan Hill almost 2 years ago in Magaya Rate Management 0