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Magaya Ideas Portal

Welcome to the portal to submit ideas to improve our products!


Pinned ideas

PINNED Different margin percentage calculation
Please calculate the margin within the Hub like this: (sell rate-buy rate)/buy rate and not as a ratio of the selling rate. 15$ markup on a buy rate of 100$ should result in 15% margin and not 13.04%.

All ideas

Showing 335 of 335

Assign Client - Apply Company by Name or ID

Expand the Customer Name field in Quoting to include the ability to enter in the Customer ID. Title of the field would be "Customer Name or ID".
Morgan Hill over 2 years ago in Magaya Rate Management 0

Tariff Layout & Options in Search

Tariff Search does not have a default Layout & Options functionality like Rate Search. Set default Layout, Options & values in search panel.
Morgan Hill over 2 years ago in Magaya Rate Management 0

Multi-Lane - Commodity Search

Add the ability for a User to Search by different commodities in Multi-Search the same as a User may do in Single Search. Rate Options allows the user to set only one commodity for all lanes, but users would like to the ability to search different...
Morgan Hill over 2 years ago in Magaya Rate Management 0

Search by Amendment ID & Carrier in Contract Mngt

The Search field in Contract Management can only accommodate the Contract ID. Users should be able to search by Amendment ID and/or Carrier Name. This functionality already exists, will not implement anything further.
Morgan Hill over 2 years ago in Magaya Rate Management 0 Will not implement

Multi-Lane Template by User or Org

This enhancement to the Multi Search Template functionality allows a user to toggle between "All" and "User". If the user toggles to "All", the user will see every template created by everyone in the Org. If the user toggles to "User", the user wi...
Morgan Hill over 2 years ago in Magaya Rate Management 0

External Mappings Upload

Allow a customer to Bulk Upload External Mappings. Copy of extracted report attached to be used as a basis for an upload template.
Morgan Hill over 2 years ago in Magaya Rate Management 0

Map View

Display rate origin, destination, origin via, and destination via details as a map view.
Morgan Hill over 2 years ago in Magaya Rate Management 0 Will not implement

Linked Rates Excel Download Enhancement

Extract the data to show Price & Margin separately for Leg one and Leg two.
Morgan Hill over 2 years ago in Magaya Rate Management 0

Q2TMS Quote History Log

For Q2TMS functionality, add into log showing timestamp of file delivery, shipper party custom ID, and shipment ID. Update quote history grid and info panel to also show this info as well. Four new fields: Q2TMS (Yes, N/A(Default)) Q2TMS Timestamp...
Morgan Hill over 2 years ago in Magaya Rate Management 0

Additional Surcharge Option Choices

In Surcharge Options in Search, add additional check boxes for users to mark when needing to search/quote based on other customer scenarios. New Surcharge Options to be added the Surcharge Grouping and the engine would include/exclude based on sel...
Morgan Hill over 2 years ago in Magaya Rate Management 0