Surcharge Manager - Percentage Range on Dependent Charge
Customers would like the opportunity to choose between a percentage range for dependent charge when quoting. This is very difficult as the system processes the charge before the user would have the ability to choose the amount within a preset rang...
Request to have the full words in unit and not an abbreviation, example – instead of PC, it should show Per Container, same goes for the other Rate Basis. BOL, PS…etc.
As we get more and more clients with third party integrations, there needs to be an Org setting to default the Q2TMS check box in Format & Output to always be checked. This saves the user a click as ensures the feature is always used.
Field in Contract Manager to override the Contract ID to the client's desired ID in place of the actual ID. Users will be able to see both the original contract ID and the overridden Contract ID. This includes the ability to set Custom Contract ID...
Role Mngt - Add Look-up field in the "Members" tab
Users have to scroll through the list to get to a specific user. Being able to search for a specific user will speed up the ability to add users to a role.
Users are looking for a way to choose one or more contracts to extract from our system with fully calculated rates. Ideally, this could reside within Contract Manager and operate much like the Multi-Lane Search for scheduled reports ( CAT-540) whe...
Add & Update Fields in Download All Users in User Mngt
General Description: Admins would like more information included in the Download All Users report from User Mngt. The date field for the last time a user logged in cannot be effectively sorted. Current Functionality: The report does not contain al...