We need data download report enhanced for client that also shows client po number stmt and stmt paid date related party indicator we need to be able to sort in excel (no merged columns) arrival date entry date release date liquidation date value p...
NEED MORE ENHANCEMENT ARE RREQUIRED ON DESK BOARD can you please add following options on desk board this will help & will be more time saving 1) ENTTRY TYPE 2) firms code container # , master bill number statement paid date invoice payment - ...
Allowing the audit screen to move to a different monitor
As of now when auditing we cannot see the entry when the audit page is open. Would be great if that audit page was capable of moving away from the entry page. Perhaps allow it to move away to another monitor so we can do a side by side?
An issue we have happened is when we bill and post in an invoice into QB if anyone touches the bill and saves something then it comes up re-post. We need to be able to pinpoint which user has done a change and what. Doesn't make sense to be able t...
General Description Add the Charges tab currently displayed in Opportunities where a quote has been generated in Magaya Supply Chain to the Leads where a quote has been generated in Magaya Supply Chain. Current Functionality Opportunity records th...
Kaleb Ghilardi
over 1 year ago
in Magaya CRM
Org level Grid Customizations instead of at the User level. Org Settings Grid Setting at Org level set by Admin Account only When checked, disable gear icon in all grids
Email Alerts for Inbond Examination requests and US customs messages
In 2019 inbond 2.0 was implemented and US customs started notifying US brokers and bonded carriers via ACE messages about examination requests prior to export. Some times US CBP officers send custom messages through this system like the one i rece...
Allow for the invoice number to match the entry number
Currently the # that is printed as the invoice number to bill the client is the entry number minus the check digit. I would like to request an option to assign entire entry number as the invoice number, including the check digit.